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PTS DOS 2000 Pro operating system -
fully compatible to MSDOS 6.22 and
Microsoft Windows 3.x.
It comes with: a simple graphical DOS
Navigator; with FAT32, big hard drive,
and CD-ROM support; Partition
Manager Easy to partition hard drives;
DOS Drive Backup to create hard drive
images; and other important
components; internal BootManager,
providing "friendly" coexistence with other DOS's & OS's.
Supports big hard drives (> 8GB); FAT32 Special version;
Paragon Partition Manager Easy to partition hard drive; (FDISK
functions only); DOS Drive Backup to create a backup image of
a partition or hard drive; Built-in CD support for CD-ROM drives;
Dynamic data compression system DATACOMP; Source code.
There are a lot of utilities for burning
CDs and DVDs available today on the
market. They often have sophisticated
features for creating audio and video
discs as if entertainment would be the
only purpose of buying computers.
However, when you try to use these
utilities for something more serious,
like making backup of your important
information to laser discs, you may encounter some problems
and, to your surprise, it is not as easy and quick as it should be.
That is why Easy CD/DVD Recorder has been developed. Our
program makes recording files and folders to CD/DVDs as
simple, convenient and quick as possible.
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